
Best Breakroom Solutions

Best Breakroom Solutions

Your company’s employees work hard all day and deserve a truly enjoyable breakroom where they can rest during their breaks. Believe it or not, in today’s culture, the competition is stiff for great breakrooms and workplaces in general, especially among younger employees. The breakroom at work is a massive part of the overall company culture and can go a long way towards job satisfaction and a positive working environment. In this short guide, we’ll go over how important a great breakroom is to creating a more enjoyable workplace and the best breakroom solutions for creating an excellent space for employees.

Why Providing an Enjoyable Workplace Is Important

Today, many companies realize the value of a fun and engaging workplace for employees and are implementing ways to make the office more comfortable and enjoyable for all. With this in mind, many offices and other workplaces create more functional and relaxing spaces that employees can use while working and during breaks. Companies often add more comfortable office furniture, flexible workstations, cozy conversation areas, opportunities for games and entertainment, gourmet coffee and snacks, onsite lunch options, happy hours and so much more. 

But, what is behind these changes? Some of these updates may run contrary to what people believe a traditional workplace should be like. However, what many employers are discovering is that the happiness and wellbeing of their employees offers many benefits, and providing an enjoyable workplace experience is key to reaping these benefits. 

What the savviest employers know today is that not just job satisfaction, but employees’ overall happiness is so important to the company. This happiness directly translates to loyalty and employee retention. When you have a more enjoyable workplace, your workers are more excited about coming to work, and they’ll want to stay long-term. Happier employees save you the time and expense of constantly hiring and training new people. Not only that, but the best workplaces tend to attract top talent too, so you’ll have your pick of the best employees from the start. 

Overall, the more amenities you provide at work, the more your employees feel cared for and valued. If you provide a more enjoyable workplace, you’ll see better productivity and performance from your employees. This shift in mentality will lead to better teamwork, increase creativity and better attitudes about your company. All of that adds up to better results for your company.

7 Breakroom Solutions to Introduce at Your Workplace

7 Breakroom Solutions to Introduce at Your Workplace

The breakroom is an essential component of any workplace, providing space for workers to eat, rest, and recharge for the rest of their day. And whether you have a giant cafeteria and employee lounge, or a small and simple room with a few vending machines, there are ways you can make your breakroom into a place where your employees actually enjoy spending their time. So, what makes a good breakroom? Try these awesome ideas to liven up your company’s breakroom and reward your employees:

  1. Specialty coffee: Nothing else gets everyone through the workday quite like coffee, so why not make this experience extra special? Try some top office coffee solutions like offering top quality coffees and teas for your employees to enjoy or giving employees branded mugs to use to enjoy their coffee in the breakroom. You can also add unique extras like flavor syrups, a variety of sugar options or even pastries to go with the coffee. Upgrade your coffee equipment to offer different types of coffee drinks, like lattes or french pressed coffee, to really enhance the experience. 
  2. Upgraded water cooler: Give your team a way to stay hydrated and catch up with coworkers with some top-notch water coolers. Today’s versions go beyond simple tap water and offer purified versions, as well as flavored waters and carbonated options too. Your team will love having all of these water options available during their workday. 
  3. Added comfort: Let your employees relax in style with more comfortable seating options indoors and out, as well as tasteful decor. You can add some couches or hammocks instead of the traditional cafeteria-style chairs. Consider also adding a quiet room for those who don’t feel like socializing on their break, or may want to nap, do yoga, meditate, or simply enjoy the silence for a moment. 
  4. Better vending machines: Vending options make snacks and lunches in the breakroom quick and convenient. But, you can level up from the standard chips, sodas and candy bars and provide much better options for your office vending machines. Think juices and flavored waters, healthy and trendy snack options like trail mix or jerky along with other treats. Consider useful and emergency items like mini sewing kits, stomach medication or ibuprofen. Better technology, including machines that accept credit cards, also goes a long way towards an improved breakroom experience. 
  5. A micro market: What is a micro market? A micro market can provide your workers with a wider range of products, including beverages, snacks, fresh fruit and healthy grab-and-go meals like sandwiches and salads. This setup is similar to a mini-mart, but offers the convenience of self-checkout. You can even customize your market’s offerings to meet the needs of your team and provide everyone with options they love. 
  6. Entertainment and activities: Why not let your team have a little fun during break time? Some of the best breakrooms have some form of entertainment available for employees. This entertainment could come in the form of a basketball hoop, ping pong or foosball table, or a variety of workout equipment for some active fun. You may even consider having some TVs, computers, or tablets with options for Netflix or pre-loaded video games. Classic board games, puzzles and interesting books to borrow are also great ideas for a well-stocked breakroom that allows employees to enjoy themselves more and recharge during breaks. 
  7. Advanced technology: In today’s world, touchless technology for anything is a huge bonus, and for vending machines and breakrooms, it can make all the difference. Upgrade your vending services to include touchless technology, as well as energy-star ratings and more. These upgrades can make your breakroom more eco-friendly, as well as safe and sanitary for everyone. 

Breakroom Solutions From American Food & Vending

Breakroom Solutions From American Food & Vending

Are you ready to take your company’s breakroom to the next level and really wow your employees? American Food & Vending has the solutions for you. Our wide range of refreshment services includes options for coffee services, water cooler options, vending machines, customizable micro-markets, and more. We can help you improve your workplace through quality food and beverage options for your whole team. Consider us your hospitality partner when upgrading your breakroom options. Contact us today to get started on your new company breakroom.